Simplifying Fractions Before Multiplying

Big Idea:

By simplifying fractions before multiplying, we make the multiplication easer and leave the answer in its simplest form. Some people refer to this as pre-reducing, cross-reducing, or canceling. Whatever you call it, it’s a shortcut.

Simplifying Fractions Before Multiplying


You can save time and effort by simplifying fractions before multiplying.

Step 1. Take all the mixed numbers and make them improper fractions. Multiply fractions
Step 2. Find one numerator and one denominator with a common factor. Find the GCF to pre-reduce
Step 3. Divide these numbers by their common factor. Simplifying before multiplying fractions
Step 4. Repeat the process if there are other numerators and denominators with a common factor. simplifying before multiplying fractions
Pre-reducing fractions before multiplying
Step 5. Multiply across. simplifying before multiplying fractions

A little confused?

You may want to look at:

Multiplying Fractions